Wednesday, April 24, 2024

P1 - Unit 21

P1 - Unit 21

Forged was based on fast and furious but with action so it would be a hybrid genre of racing and action, it was about two gangs that found out there was a new super turbo made by the government and they were both doing a drag race for half a million. And they both fight over it the main gang leader dies in the fight and the other gang leader dies in the drag race.
Mirror was about derealisation where a guy believes he isnt real and lives two lives, he first has his breakdown when looking into a mirror and sees someone else and then lives thier life for a while and randomly switches back, however it wasnt derealisation

Look is about the consequences of using drugs, it is a horror and comedy drama where a group of friends are smoking drugs, and they find nuns in a church and a friend has a skitzophernic breakdown


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