Tuesday, June 11, 2024

M2 - Unit 21

M2 - Unit 21

Potential Questions
  • Are you worried that you may offend people by talking about schizophrenia? 
  • No i will show how it can have benefits and its not mainly about schizophrenia its more about the repercussions of using drugs and skitzohprenia has involvements with weed so it will link well, it will show how it affects his everyday life but it wont be in a negative way
  • What other media texts did you take inspiration from?
  • Suits, IT, Friday 13th, they are horror films that have inspired my idea but then it links to suits because it shows the consequences of using drugs so my series will be informative 
  • How will you market your idea 
  • A new series will release each week on BBC and when the whole series is done it will be uploader to iPlayer so that people can bingewatch, i will also have many social media posts and there will be billboard in popular areas such as leeds trainstation. There will be a radio trailer aswell they i will make and put it on social media and it will also be played on the BBC radio
  • How will you create it with such a small budget?
  • I will use clothes that the actor already own so that i dont have to buy costumes since it is a sterotypical teen group of friends. I will use public locations once i have permission so that i dont have to pay for the location, and i wont include that many songs, i will aim to use a popular song aatleast 1 every 2 epsidoes
  • What is the aim of your idea?
  • My aim is to keep my audience entertained through jumpscares, comedy and overall i want them to see the consequences of using drugs heavily, which is why it is called look as the younger audiences need to relise how serious it can be and they should ruin thier lives from a young age.

What genre is your show?

Because you seem to have two narrative structures happening at the same time you have the person going missing and you have the horrifying creepy nuns. I think you need to decide which it is. Is it that you are creating this horror style drama where you have this order of nuns that are creating rituals, et cetera or is it that you have a mystery of somebody going missing that you are then , figuring out what happened I think you need to pick which one of those

The main narrative will be that the friend group don't trust Lucas when he says that he sees things since hes skitzophernic, and he sees a nun and gets cought by the nuns and he goes missing, the nuns dont do anything but try to turn him into one but the narrtive will mainly be about the friends consequences of using drugs.


You’ve mentioned a lot of cliffhangers happening at the end of every episode. Can you give me examples of those?

For instance, at the end of episode one are we going to see a creepy nun? Grab a teenage boy so we don’t see what happens to him? Are we going to see a bunch of blood and not know who’s blood? It is? Are we going to see a bunch of people screaming and don’t know what they’re screaming at.

 At the start Lucas will have his first skitz attack, where he sees things that arent there and ends up in hospital, then after a week he comes out with his firneds and they all smoke, which helped lucas at the moment but later on we see the consequences, each episode will hear a noise and sudden movement on the camera and the episode will go black and in the next scene we see lucas in a hospital bed.

If you’re gonna go with a horror theme, you need to think about what conventions you’ll use. for instance you’re obviously using jump scares to make the audience build in anticipation. You also seem to have the theme of drug usage or “sin” causing death destruction or pain to the character.

 I will show drugs in a bad why so that it discourgaes young audiences from using them, it is informative and links to users and gratification

You also mention the long-term effects of drugs and how that can cause schizophrenia how are you gonna accurately portray this?

Weed is linked to causing skitzopheria, and lucas already has it after all the friend joking about it for years, he has his first breakdown and no one knew he was actually skitzohpernic. And itll show how lucas acts normal when hes sober but when he smokes hes very scared and ovetthinks etc.

Are you gonna make sure that you have a mental health advisor on set in the writers room in order to make sure that you aren’t being stereotypical in your representation? Also think you only need to have one character with schizophrenia at the beginning of the show as a post to All the characters have schizophrenic breaks further in the show I think having that character with schizophrenia struggling with that that is the quality story. They’re seeing his parents deal with managing his seeing him pushback at wanting to be notable seeing him the difference you can be when you’re having a schizophrenic break and when you’re healthy mentally the difference in that person can be massive and how that affects the people that love him, maybe he’s not schizophrenic before the show but maybe that’s what happens in episode one and we see his manic Ness manifest in these nuns only for us to was left on the cliffhanger in episode six as to whether or not they were part of his schizophrenic break or whether it was like a joint delusion or if they are real.

 At first lucas is shown as a normal teenager and not a scruff like the others in the friend group, but when he smokes outside the church, he has his first breakdown which triggers the disruption.

Are you narrative or character based?

Mainly narrtive based, because my aim is to discourage young audiences from using drugs, however the character backgrounds will link in aswell because we see how it makes them upset and shows us why they chose to start smoking

You have a lot of narrative happening here which could mean that your narrative driven and if so you need to figure out what those really clear lines of narrative are so that you’re not getting your themes crossed over where is if your character-based you need to pick that main character who struggling with schizophrenia and you need to focus on that and that alone and how his mental health issues can affect everybody around him personally I think that’s the strongest story having hints at the nuns later on.

Yes hes only seen as someone who struggles when he starts smoking at the church, after his breakdown and interaction with the nuns he is seen as a very quiet and scared person and doesnt talk alot, however his friends support him rather than bullying him like they did before the breakdown 

Overall i believe i presented my pitch well because i had flashcards to help prompt me and i also changed my final draft to make it more simple so its easy to understand for my audience, this means i could still across my key points whilst still keeping the pitch brief. I also included images on my slides to help the audience understand what i was talking about and included images of my actors within my presentation.

I improved the way my pitch looked, before it was blank with just writing and it was too krammed, however in my final pitch it had more images and less writing but i still had enough to read on my flashcards to get across the key points, i improved my episode breakdown alot by explaining the key points such as the disruption instead of explaining it in depth which keeps my audience hooked. 

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