Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 P4 - Unit 20

Radio trailer 

My radio trailer is around 1 minute 4 seconds long, this is suitable for a radio trailer as it isn't too long and doesn't drag on, but also long enough to catch the audiences attention. I have included various sound effects which builds tension throughout the trailer. I have also added background music which is a low and slow piano, it sounds eerie which fits my genre of horror. For my voice over I got my friend Blake to do, which was recorded in a quiet room where he practised the script before reading it, I also sent him a screenshot of the script so that he could read it whilst speaking. I lowered my background music to -20db and increased the volume of Blakes voice to +2db. I have shortened the the audio clips so that it fits and transfer nicely to the next one and on some audio clips I have made it fade out such as the scream to make it more realistic. 


I made this image on affinity photos and used effects and layers to build my final version of the poster, I used a background picture of a graveyard to match the genre of my tv series, it also has a church in the background which is also in my series which hints towards what will be shown. I have added the BBC3 logo to allow the audience to know where they can watch the trailer, and iPlayer aswell. I have also got a 15 age rating picture in the bottom right to show the audience that it may have some explicit content. 
I have also added my title of "look" and added a font called "". I also had text for the release date of the 26th of may. And the added the actors names at the top, have also added a gradient of black to red to make the text look more sinister and look more like a horror film, along with a outer glow to make it stand out. The nun in the background of the text portrays that the series will include nuns, which is why I have added a low opacity outline of a scry looking nun in the background. 

Social media posts




For my social media posts I used zeeoub to generate the image of my posts that look like they are on the actual platform. I made the images on publisher photos before, I have copied the text from the poster to my social media posts, I took pictures of my friends and then cropped them out on publisher photo, I did this by rasterising and trimming then selected remove at the top then rubbed out the background of the images that I didn't need. I then added a fx to the images of Cuba and Blake, I clicked lighten and added black colour overlay to make them greyed out which I believe worked well. I also used the same text and photo of nun for the twitter post however I changed the size of both to make them suit the post better and differentiate it from the poster. I have used my ident as my profile photo on each platform to keep consistency in order to build a product/brand image and makes the series recognisable. this means when the trailer is released people will be able to search the name look up an find it easily. I have also included hashtags like "#look" to build awareness of the hashtags and also included "#BBC" and "#iPlayer" to show that the series can be watched on these platforms. I have kept consistent throughtout the posts by having an image of a nun on each post, this also makes the series recognisable, as it has use of a nun which hasn't been seen in a horror film before. By putting 2 of my characters in my twitter post I am able to show the star persona and hint towards what happens in the titles, the "#horror" also shows the audience that it is a horror series. My instagram post is the same as my poster, I have done this because instagram will be my most popular platform for my age range of 15-21 year olds, therefore I used the most effective/ aesthetically pleasing post to build the most awareness, for my instagram post I haven't included images of any of the actors apart form the nun, instead I have put the names of each actor within my series. along with the release date to build hype for the trailer, if I build more views and audience for my trailer I am likely to gain more viewers for my actual series as people who are interested in the posts will make sure to watch it the day it releases and if I make my trailer effectively, they will most likely watch the first episode of the series to see if they enjoy it, in my trailer I will be able to build actual tension and hint towards what the series is about and show that it isn't just a horror film, its about a friend group leaning to trust each other and the consequences of using drugs. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

M2 - Unit 20


TV trailer - I have created a tv trailer for my horror film that will be shown on BBC3 and also will be put on my social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, TikTok), a TV trailer will be effective for my genre as it can build tension which will attract attention to my series. My trailer will last around 1 minute 15 seconds but it will have credits etc so will round up to 1min 45s to a minute. The TV trailer includes a short montage of clips that build up tension (such as deep piano music building up, with scary clips like nuns running in a circle and black screen to a nun face and back to black with the aim of scaring my audience of ages 15- 31) and hints at what the series will be about, it shows all the characters so that the audience will recognise them in the series and sinister looking nuns with clips of the friend group defending Lucas from the nuns. It will show the use of drugs which I will need to review to see if the clips are usable for a 15 age rated audience. The trailer will also show the location (abandoned church) and get across the message to the audience that drugs may help at the moment but over time it will hurt you more and will discourage the younger audiences from using drugs such as weed to get rid of stress etc. This paired with a deep voice over and suspenseful clips building tension and a call to action of watching the series. It will include that the series will be aired on BBC3 and the trailer can be rewatched on their aswell, with my socials included at the end. I will make my trailer on Final Cut Pro and export the file as a 1980 x 1080 HD at 25 fps will be suitable for social media pages and television which BBC3 have told me to use. 

This graph shows that my target audience has the lowest amount of people watching television weekly, and the highest amount if 65+, however this will be due to younger audiences using other platforms such as iPlayer which my trailer will be on, this is because they prefer watching things that aren't live as they aren't interested in live tv. 

Radio trailer - my radio trailer will include special effects such as lighter noises, deep eerie piano music, and footsteps etc to add suspense to my radio trailer, the main voice over explains the key points such as Lucas having skitzophernia which my radio trailer raises awareness on mental issues and that you should always be kind to your friends as you don't know what they are going through, it will also mention about the sinister nuns and dark consequences of using drugs to highlight my point of discouraging younger audiences from using drugs and also allows the audience to build an image in their heads of what the series will look like. My radio trailer will be streamed on BBC Radio 1, 2, 3 to boost the views/reach of my trailer. BBC Radio 1 will be the most effective as their main demographics are 15-29 year olds, radio is the third most used media for my demographics of 15 - 31 year olds

TV and radio demographics: a BBC time bomb? | free and easy for 21 years

I will also be advertising by using billboards, using billboards helps widen my audience as it includes everyone that drive past it (my billboard will be on a main road) so it will include all demographics. My billboard will have my social media pages on so people can view more online and I can build recognition. It will be a scary and sinister image in order to gain attention and catch the eye of my audience and make it recognisable by using an image such as a nun with the main title "Look" in big writing. If I design my billboard well in a way that will gain attention a pick a good location for my such as near a university or main city/road so that I can target my audience of 15-31 year olds, advertising outside a university will be good for age ranges of 18-23 which is a good demographic for my series. I will have the release dat and where to watch the trailer so that the trailer can be watched. 

BBC's Dracula Billboard Confuses People During The Daytime But Grabs  Attention At Night | Bored Panda

BBC billboard raises Traitors' icon Diane from the dead

I will also use social media to advert my series, the platforms I will be using are Tiktok, Instagram and twitter and YouTube. These platforms are suitable because they have similar demographics to my audience which helps me target them and directly post to my target audience. Th best times to post are 4pm on Mondays to Fridays and 10 am or 5pm on weekends as this is when most people use social media. Social media is suitable for me to promote because it has no cost and I can share the post with anyone around the world, widening m audience allows me to gain more views and therefore boost my social presence and build a recognisable brand//series. BBC3 also use social media a lot to promote, this is due to their target audience mainly use social media as their main source of media, this allows them to gain the most amount of viewers as possible. 

Twitter Users, Stats, Data, Trends, and More — DataReportal – Global  Digital Insights

Instagram Users, Stats, Data, Trends, and More — DataReportal – Global  Digital Insights

TikTok Demographics and Usage Statistics For Business (2024)

These charts show that my platforms have a wide audience and my ads will reach above 20% of the people using my platforms will most likely see my advert, the percentages of male to females is fairly balanced however this doesn't matter to me as my series is targeted at both genders. 


 P4 - Unit 20 Radio trailer  My radio trailer is around 1 minute 4 seconds long, this is suitable for a radio trailer as it isn't too lo...